sábado, 27 de marzo de 2010

Naming Patterns

Dear all
I decided to group the patterns in the following categories:

Category 1: Pronunciation awareness
Category 2: Confidence Intonation
Category 3: Fluency (I decided not to change this name)

I have found another relevant element. I noticed that peer feedback is received more positively than teachers feedack. They used the native language to explain, but the model that they provided was in the target language. They worked a lot together before the recording. My role was in this case as a person to confirm if their pronunciation was correct.

Where can I include this pattern? Could it be another category?
I will wait until next Liliana's tutorial.

miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

Analyzing data I: Looking for patterns

Retrieved from:
I started with the stage in the project that I hope to enjoy. After dealing with some difficulties in the implemantation stage, I started transcribing the video recordings about students opinions about the activities. Additionally, I revised my notes about the recordings of the sections and I contrasted with the audio recordings again. Those are the aspects that I have found in common:

1. During the recordings, there is the tendency to be aware of the pronunciation. Evidence of this is that planning the section of the show and before recording it, students used to ask me how to say something. ("Teacher, how do yo say...?"). It is evidenced also, since 42% of the interviewed expressed an improvement in pronunciation as one of the reasons why they feel more confident when speaking.
2. Step by step, the participants upgraded their intonation, from one where students just repeat what they had planned to say in the recording without any expression to one more confident, where they no only say but also express (happiness, surprise...)
3. Fluency: After the first recording, I realized the need to divide the recording in short chunks. Students noticed that by trying many times (repeating, the next repetition with a more accurate intonation) they could be less anxious when they have to be recorder. They confirm it in the final survey:
"Teacher: ¿Y cómo creen que se logra? ¿Qué creen que se necesita? (talking about feeling less anxious when recording)
Student: Práctica"
This is what I have looked at as patterns by now.

domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010


Dear all

After dealing with some problems at school, I finally was able to finish the implementation stage of the action research.
I had to figure out some strategies to continue with the process.

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010


This note corresponds to the week after the end of the implementation:

As I continued with the implementation process after solving my difficulties at school, I noticed that things have changed in the group: Some students have left it and a lot of new students have enroled. Consequently, the groups must be conformed again, and perhaps this circumstances could make changes in my research. Why? Basically, because some of the new students are reluctant to participate in the activties, I do not have the permisions to record them, but on the other hand, I did not know what to do with them, so I decided to integrate them in the different groups. Three groups stayed as they used to do at the beginning of the implementation, so I continued collecting data from them.

Some of the new students were enthusiastic participating in the activities, but unfortunately they did not be taken into account for the study. They did not start.

Another Issue: Cooperative learning. Since most of the groups were conformed again, some of their members, did not fit with the style of the others... I took so much time for them planning and recording...